Data Portfolio

Data to empower Healthcare and STEM efforts @lok-ken-chan.

Pneumonia Image Classification
by Chest X-Ray

Does your X-ray indicate pneumonia? If so, what type? Upload a chest X-ray image (jpg/jpeg), select a classifier, and it will output whether the chest xray indicates pneumonia and to what degree of confidence. README.

Visualizing U.S. Health on Diet & Exercise

What is the health status of the U.S. population, and how does each state respond by number of related, enacted policies?
Select a year (2011-2020), one of the three health topics (obesity, physical activity, and nutrition), a question within that topic, and hover your cursor over a state to display the percentage of the population fitting that question. The data collected is from the CDC on behavioral risk factors (2011-2020) and policy data (2011-2017). Moreover, some questions are not asked year by year, so you will notice the map will not display if the data is absent. README.